Friday, December 20, 2019

Alchemist Conversion (WIP)

Alchemist (WIP)

This WIP was actually the first I started about a year and a half ago.  I still haven't painted the miniature but I wanted to get the WIP out finally.  Because of the age, the photo's aren't quite as good quality as the other recent posts because I got a new phone since taking these.

While on Pinterest I found some great model sets from Northstar and Osprey, one of which is Frostgrave Cultists which I thought would be good bases for characters in D&D. 

My first character I made from the set is an alchemist inspired by a set of arms holding pistols from the GW dispossessed dwarves (Not sure which set as they came with a lot of sprues from eBay).

First the arms were attached to the body and head from the cultists.  The arms looked way too bulky so I had to add some size to the shoulders, luckily the length of the dwarf arms work with the cultist bodies.  Then I thought it would be cool to give him some goggles (plus it would avoid me having to paint eyes). The guns looked so much better once I drilled into the ends to make barrels.

I realised that the robed top didn’t look great, really I should have used the other bodies which had leather armour but as I had already started it was too late now.  I cut away the robed chest and modeled what hopefully looks like leather over the top.  With the leftover greenstuff I made a bag to put on his hip.  The other pouch and knife came from the cultist sprue.

Next I wanted to give him a bandolier filled with alchemical canisters.  I sculpted out the bandolier below and added cut pieces of plasticard rods as the canisters.  I used larger pieces as caps, going for a pipebomb kind of look.  Now, I think a better look would have been to use two smaller pieces on one end on top of each other to make them look more like bottles with cork stoppers, and add additional straps at the bottom to hold the bottles into the bandolier.  I have since learnt how to make straight and even thickness straps which would look much better. 

I waited until the greenstuff had mostly set and then went on to attach to the miniature.  Though I had made the straps extra long so I could shorten to the desired length, at this point I realised that the bandolier was much longer than could fit on the model.  Therefore, I decided to cut the bandolier in two and make a hip bandolier as well.

I've already restarted painting him twice so it will be awhile before he is complete.

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